Here you can find information about the time change in Asia and Oceania:
Time Change Asia
In Asia there are only a couple of countries annually operating time changes to daylight savings time and back. It’s Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Iran.
Turkey implemented the same time change like the eastern European countries. The other countries apply time changes according to their specific calendars and celebrations. Besides the already mentioned countries, Russia implemented an annual time change in the past. However, it was decided to stop doing so and to keep the winter time without changing the time twice a year starting in October 2014.
List of time changes in Asia in alphabetical order (2018):
Time Change Australia & Oceania
The smallest content only has 2 countries implementing an annual time change. Both are British colonies of the past: Australia and New Zealand. While in New Zealand the time change takes place all over the country, only the southern part of Australia make their clocks jump to daylight savings time and back. All other parts of Australia keep the winter time all year long.
List of time changes in Oceania in alphabetical order (2018):