TimeChange.info presents the data for Time Changes Worldwide:
The next time change in Europe will be in

To be precisely the time change will make the clock jump to Daylight Savings Time 2020. It takes place on March 25th 2020 at 2 am Western European Time (United Kingdom & Ireland). The clocks need to jump one hour ahead from 1 am to 2 am. So, everyone will “lose” one hour of sleep.
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- Time Change in Europe
- Time Change in America
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All information is subject to change.
Mnemonics for time change
Do you also keep forgetting wheter you to make the clock jump forward or back for standard time or daylight savings time?
For this very reason we gathered some mnemonics for time change. Due to them you might be the one in your peer group who knows how to change the time at the next time change since you rememeber “spring forward, fall back” or “spring ahead, fall behind”.
Zeitumstellung – German version of TimeChange.info
Hier geht’s zur deutschsprachigen Version: Zeitumstellung weltweit